Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Pretty Girl

Here are some current pictures of Evie. I have been really bad about taking pictures of her. We all love ourselves some Evie Grace. She is two, and a sinner, so has started the training. But she is SO cute and we love her so much. She is SO vocal, talking and singing all the time. She will listen to Eli and looks to him for sure, TJ is super sweet to her. He will give her anything, drop anything to help her, he covers his ears whenever she gets corrected (so sweet) and she loves him so much. And "Logey" or "Loges" as she call him, is her playmate. If he jumps she jumps, if he makes a noise she copies it. Logey is her playmate, he can't help her with anything, she definitely sees him as an equal. We love her!


  1. I heart Evie, too! :)

  2. I love this girl. SO FUN to have her in 2's!! Your Mom & I "fight" over here...well, not really. ;)
