Thursday, June 16, 2011

San Diego!

Here are some more pictures of another hike in Point Loma and my one beach picture. We did have some sun and when it came out we headed to the beach, but I was horrible at taking pictures, which is sad because I built an amazing sand castle :) that should have been photographed. We had a great time and can't wait to go back!
Doesn't he look like his Daddy in this picture??!!
Love this picture.
My pretty girl <3
She LOVES LOVES LOVES being right in the mix with them
This place we were at was on cliffs on the side of the ocean, they loved the "danger"

I LOVE when this silly side of TJ comes out!!
Why does he keep growing up!
Watching the surfers
My sweet kiddos

Another day, we went to a Fiddlestick type place called boomers. It was super cheesy but the kids had a great time.

Evie wanted to smile but "princess Tink" kept calling, I don't know where she gets that look..

TJ loves anything that spins.

Strawberry Picking

Another chilly day in San Diego and we decided to go and pick strawberries. They were so good and it was so fun. The boys are SUPER into gardening in our backyard so this was awesome for them. We have made strawberry shortcakes, milkshakes and are hoping to make some jam!

The clan :)
My sweet Troys :)

Logan was done taking pictures
Love this kid :)

Fun Without the Sun

This past week we went to Coronado Island. It was SUPER relaxing and we had a great time. Unfortunately (in my mind) it was SUPER cold and windy :/ especially on the island, so we packed up most days and went to San Diego. We did stuff we have never done before in San Diego lots of hiking, we hiked one day at Torrey Pines and it was SUPER cool and beautiful. You hike up (very easy hike) one side of this "mountain" and then you get to hike down to the other side to the ocean to walk back. It was super pretty the kids loved it! It was very fun! I still can't figure out how to post pictures on here well so these are in random order...

My sweet boy
Isn't he beautiful!
And adorable!!
Kisses for Daddy
Pretty Girl
Feeding a SUPER friendly squirrel...

How Evie hikes, pretty girl!
I know my legs are WHITE but Evie is SUPER funny in this picture...
I love my family <3

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Start of Summer

School's out and it is summer time! We have had a slow start to summer, lots of pajamas days (something I miss with kids in school) and hanging out. Troy came up with this "awesome" plan where he works everyday and I am home without him :( to save up time to go to CA and AK (so I am not to upset just miss having him around) which has made for long days. SO we have been doing swimming lessons, swimming in our pool, swimming in grandma's pool and the public pool. Pretty much sums up what we have done the last week. My camera is broken :( so I don't have pictures from March on minus what I take on my phone... so he is iphoto update of all the swimming we have been doing. Here is a pic of the boys swimming. They are little fish and I am SO proud of how Logan is doing. He swims SO good. I love watching them all play together in the pool. Yesterday (I have no pictures of) we went to a public pool that has water slides and diving boards, it was SO fun. Eli and TJ were crazy on the diving boards, I couldn't believe it. The water was FREEZING, so we only stayed for a couple of hours.

One day Evie, Troy and I went out to the Biltmore for lunch. Evie was HILARIOUS. She was very excited to be the only child and she LOVES shopping. Here new thing is shoes. She tromps around in my, Eli, my moms shoes any chance she gets, so the shoe dept at Macys blew her mind. It was fun to see her outgoing personality with people out there, she was so fun and cute. She was VERY busy and couldn't be bothered for a picture. Here she is waiting for her Zinburger buzzer to buzz.... :)

On Sunday Logan got sick, literally pulling in to the church parking lot. SO we have been laying low and he is on the mend. On Monday we visited Troy at the fire station (where he lives right now) and Logan hung out in the car while we played whiffle ball. This is how I found him which I thought was ADORABLE!

His Grandma found him a bushee pillow= Logan was SO elated!

Eli's Award Ceremony

Eli finished school last week (yay!). I am super excited to have him home all day. His last weeks of school were JAMMED pack with stuff so it was fun for him to have fun stuff at the end of the year. Eli isn't going back there next year (shhh he doesn't totally know that yet) so it was bittersweet for me. I am praying a lot for him and his transition to a new school. God is good, and I can trust Him, so I am working on not worrying about how he's going to feel, making friends, etc. Here is a video of his "award" ceremony. His teacher was so sweet and loved on him so much. I love that she told him he was teachable. God has done a work in his heart, I think that very bright people like Eli (opinion of the mother ;)) are usually not very teachable so I am SO thankful that he is teachable in the classroom. I love his expression while he got his award (which is hard to see) he was so serious and thankful for what she said, ahh! he is getting to big. I love this kid SO much!! And am very proud of him!!