Here are some funny/sweet things my kiddos have been doing or saying.
Last night TJ prayed for dinner:
TJ praying tonight; "....and thank you God for tv. And thank you for the electricity so we can plug our tv in and thank you for colors so we can see our tv..."
Logan has been telling me: "if you do ______ I will give you 40,000 kisses" Gets me every time, probably why he keeps saying it.
Eli had his last BSF last week, and as he normally does he came home super encouraged. He got to bring home his hymn book and he lays in bed and sings. His favorite him, is "tis so sweet to trust in Jesus" SO SO SO sweet to hear your son singing in his bed. The singing has also lead to him praying alone at night. Very encouraging.
This was also SUPER encouraging to me.
Logan goes outside.
Me: Logey shut the door
Logan: No TJ opened it (awesome my son just told me NO!??! what is that)
Me: Logan, what did I ask you to do?
Logan: Shut the door
Me: and what did you say?
Logan: No
Me: and what does that mean?
Logan: ALWAYS he responds in these exchanges with "correction" always always always. BUT today he responded with "sin"
That was super encouraging to me that he could identify his sin. So thankful that he is seeing his sin. First step in seeing his need for a Savior.
Evie has been full of funny statements lately. She has started singing all the time. While we drive, while she plays, while we eat, she is always singing. Super cute. And another funny thing, my boys build ships with there legos, they call most things ships so we have a lot of ships around here, and a lot of ship conversations. It is VERY funny to hear Evie say "ship" ;) "I want a ship", "Look at Logeys ship" etc. FUNNY.
Of course I can not catch her singing, well to be honest I have only tried once, and it was when we were "trapped" in the car way after bed time while Troy ran in to a sprinkler store "real quick" ;) but you can hear Logan, Evie and me :/ at least you can hear their sweet voices
SO do you ask her to say SHIP as often as possible just for laughs? LOL